Friday, March 9, 2018

CSS and CARP Design

Website Project:

This week we have been working on designing a website with a program called Adobe Dreamweaver.  We used an original html file and then added on to it, so the original and edited one look different from each other. The original file had a white background with black text and an image of a dog on the left side. Once we finished editing the CSS files of the original html file, we had major differences. In the edited html, we moved the dog over to the right side, and changed the background to black with the middle being an almost white color. We also played with the fonts and their height, and we linked the original html to the newer edited one. These pictures are from the live view of this website.


Contrast was used in this CSS style using colors. The backgrounds are opposite colors, so they contrast well. Also, The tan text contrasts the almost white background, adding to the contrast effect even more. The contrast is much more visible in the edited version than it is in the original html file.


Alignment was used in the edited html file with all the main text being aligned along the left. Also, the main heading and the subheading are right next to each other, with the main heading above the sub heading.


Repetition is used in the edited html file with all the text being one of two colors. The important headings and text are tan, and the poem is black. Also, the line height and spacing is the same throughout the poem.


Proximity is used in the edited html file with the relationship between the poem paragraphs being close together, and the headings being closer together. Also, the dog was moved to give help the layout more.

New Knowledge:

With this project, I have learned how to take an already existing html file and change it up to make it more unique. This project was fun in the fact that you could edit an existing html file and compare the changes to the original html file. Also, the checklist made things easier so overall this project was fun and easy.